Bestway In Compliance with Stay-At-Home Order in Kansas City
March 21, 2020
Dear Valued Clients and Partners,
I hope this finds you and your loved ones well and making the best of our unusual situation.
A few hours ago, Kansas City Mayor Quinton Lucas issued a “Stay at Home” Order, requiring Kansas Citians to stay at home except for “essential activities” as the community continues working to slow the spread of COVID-19. This order will take effect at 12:01 a.m. Tuesday, March 24, and is expected to be in place until April 24. The order impacts our main office, located within our hometown of Kansas City, Missouri.
Our team has been preparing for this eventuality. We have a plan and systems in place to continue to serve your needs without interruption.
Our operating plan is in full compliance with the Mayor’s order. Our work meets several of the standards defining ‘essential business’ within the order, permitting travel to and from and occupancy of the office. That said, much of our team are already working remotely and our remaining in-person activity at the office is within the ‘essential basic operations’ definition of the order. Our staff have applied the same dedication and resiliency to these challenges as they do serving you. I’m proud of their work and positive approach to a tough situation.
As a community, and a country, we truly are all in this together. We know your business is impacted as well and we want to help. Please reach out to me or one of our team members if we can better support you through these challenging days ahead.
Best regards, thank you for your patience, please stay safe and healthy.
Jay R. Devers