December 27, 2021 | By Jay Devers

Reviewing 2021 & the Bestway forward

Reviewing 2021

You know the old saying, “It’s always darkest before the dawn.” 

Upon reviewing 2021, it’s easy to see we’ve had quite the year, from setting new records in the LA and LB ports back in June, to being so bogged down with cargo sitting, unable to be moved. And it didn’t help things globally when the enormous and fully-loaded Ever Given became stuck in the Suez Canal for weeks. Well, at the end of 2021, that vessel has made a successful return through the canal, hopefully, a sign of better days ahead for global trade.

With this year all but in the books, it is time to turn our attention ahead to 2022. There are plenty of experts offering their opinions about what lies ahead. Here at Bestway International, we wanted to ensure our forecast reflects what is important to you, our customers, and not the wider industry at large. More importantly, we think that there are simple solutions to many of the most important issues, and paths to mitigate the things we forecast not to improve any time soon.

After reviewing 2021, it should not be difficult to improve upon.   While there may be a prolonged talent shortage, with lack of drivers, lack of workers, and insufficient warehouse space, it’s a great time to make sure your drivers and warehouse employees are feeling appreciated, respected, and compensated. At Bestway, we also know how important the supporting vendors are that we mutually rely upon to be successful in these…fluid…times. Our focus on relationships goes beyond those who pay for our services, but extends to those whom we pay and direct on your behalf. 

e-Commerce and online shopping aren’t abating anytime soon. There’s just too much demand that will continue through the new year and far into the future. Directly, the crunch for capacity will continue as space and charter rates for ships and the still-limited air cargo capacity remains challenged and highly volatile.

Keep a close eye on asset utilization and prioritizing shipments. Here at Bestway, we’re here for all your transportation and customs clearance needs while ensuring that our staff are healthy and able to remain at the watch on your behalf, playing an important proactive role in advocating – and agitating – for your cargo.  We couldn’t be more proud of the effort put forward by our team and the results created.

Bestway has a number of technology and process investments underway, all oriented toward being the most valuable service provider we can be.   Beyond those, we are seeing and hearing of investments in port automation, railroad track upgrades and the interesting prospect of maritime highways, actions that should speed goods to market while reducing the costs associated with equipment wear and tear or damage will directly benefit bottom lines at a time of soaring transportation costs.   We hope we have these new efficiencies to show for this past incredible period of struggle.

Here at Bestway, we are continually committed to finding the best option to get your product to you or your customer, at home and abroad, no matter what. We persistently stay grounded in the present while looking to the future and ensuring we are meeting the moment when it comes to moving your cargo regardless of the state of the world.  Let’s chat about your future!