September 12, 2023 | By Bestway

Spotlight Series: Meet Ethan Becker – Driving Bestway’s Innovations

Spotlight Series: Meet Ethan Becker

In our Spotlight series, we’ve yet to meet anyone who woke up one morning with an uncontrollable yearning to forward freight. Often, people stumble into logistics careers, either inexplicably drawn to the rapid pace and tight-knit community of industry professionals or dragged into the business by a friend who sees the drive and determination required to be genuinely successful here.

The logistics mix is perfect for Ethan Becker, who majored in Political Science and minored in Homeland Security. “Right out of college, it was difficult to get a job in Homeland Security without a previous five years experience or a Master’s degree. Luckily, I happened upon logistics and relished the international aspects. Working with the talented and growing team at Bestway Intl. is an experience I am grateful to have. As I grow in my role at Bestway, I am excited to learn new parts of the industry and help the company grow.”

Jumping in and making waves, Ethan was instrumental in adopting our new rate management tool. Leading the initiative to team up with Magaya Corp and implementing their RMS (rate management system) enables Bestway to store, distribute, and publish rates much more efficiently. This RMS is also linked to a digital portal, which clients can use to search our rate data for instant quotes.
In addition to the RMS, Ethan helped Bestway become a NVOCC earlier this year. He said, “We can officially publish tariffs and operate on our contracts directly with carriers.”

When Ethan isn’t driving success at Bestway, he enjoys golf, tennis, and audiobooks. He and his wife are busy as parents to a two-year-old daughter and a pitbull/labrador mix.

If you’d like to learn more about Bestway’s team of industry professionals, contact us today and be on the lookout for our other Spotlight series stars.