November 18, 2022 | By Bestway

Bestway to Thanksgiving

The holiday season hits logistics professionals hard every year. Apart from spending time with our families and preparing for time off, we’re hard at work helping shippers and retailers get inventory on shelves for shoppers. The industry’s breakneck pace doubles in the final quarter as plans must account for current demand, return issues post-Christmas, and adequate inventory for the weeks after the frenzied shopping period ends and people return to buying standard goods they need to live their lives in a post holiday cooling economy. Considering it can be one of the most stressful times of the year for everyone, it’s no wonder that many of us are focused on Thanksgiving Day as we share stories and good cheer. 

Instead of describing disruption and the pitfalls of not having a logistics partner you can depend on this year, we want to use our space to remind each other that we’re all in this together and at Bestway, we’re thankful for each other this Thanksgiving. 

Linda, Senior Director, Export Operations –

  “Looking back on 2022, I must say the thing I am most thankful for is my family.  Life is short, stop, smile, be kind, enjoy yourself with the ones you love. Next is my work family. Problem solving, enjoying a lunch, we couldn’t have a better crew.”

Jack, Director, Import Solutions –     

            “I’m thankful for our vendors, who have hung in there through one market interruption after another. Without their service and attention, our service (and therefore our customers) would suffer.”

Riley, Managing Partner, Domestic/USMCA cargo – 

             “2022 presented never before seen challenges in the logistics arena. Watching our team adapt and thrive under those conditions was amazing, and has me very excited headed into next year.”

Jay,  Managing Partner

“Without question, I’m thankful for our dedicated crew; those who have built our business over many years as well as the new associates who have joined us recently. I’m thankful for the resiliency of our clients and their business models as we hopefully put a very tumultuous time in global logistics behind us.”  

This Thanksgiving it’s important to take a moment and reflect on the year we’ve had, the pandemic we’ve weathered, and the community we’ve built over years of dedicated work. It’s impossible to look at where we are and not see just how much every person in every position is to the success of our company and further, our industry. Whether we’re cooperating, consulting, or competing, Bestway is honored to be part of this industry and this year, much like the last, we are thankful for YOU.