September 17, 2021 | By Jay Devers

Bestway Through the Eye of the Storm

Hurricane Ida struck Louisiana on Sunday, August 30th

The severe weather brought 150MPH wind, closed roads, felled trees, and a million people waiting for services and supplies. When a natural disaster strikes, the first mobilized force to support emergency services are often truckers and trucking networks who divert to deliver supplies and haul away debris. There aren’t enough trucks and truckers to go around under the best of circumstances and a natural disaster depletes the ranks and equipment even further. Disaster relief, FEMA support, and independent agencies like the Red Cross are the paramount parties for supply coordination and need to block certain areas which reduce options for our drivers. Occasionally, our most important role is to stay out of the way, or “in our lane” until cleared. When times get tight, Bestway gets in gear to deliver our exemplary service while giving back in service to our communities. 


Natural disasters are increasing in frequency

But they still don’t allow for enough preparation to avoid the damage and delays they bring in their wakes. For the Port of New Orleans, 65% of the exports are agricultural in nature and coffee is one of the largest imports. The precision of the movement from port to farm and back has dozens of industries waiting for shipments. When one part of that line stops or slows down the delays build exponentially – much like how we’re seeing the ocean freight timeline struggle. 


Trucking capacity has been tight

but was made tighter still after the disaster relief logistics engaged to help. Beyond the time it takes for supply coordination, for infrastructure to come online after a hurricane, road closures, debris, and emergency responders make for a difficult situation for truckers. Because Bestway is centrally located away from the most significant weather issues, we have the broadest scope of services available. Through our connection with our network of nationwide partners, we have access to myriad options that might be out of reach or range of others. 


It’s our belief that nothing should stop your freight.

We can’t control severe weather, but a well-executed plan, expert industry knowledge, and dedicated teams working out creative, efficient solutions to whatever life throws at us give us a head start. Our foundational commitment to quality service and the infrastructure we’ve built to provide it keeps us at the top of the game when difficulties arise. If you want to take your business to the next level, reach out to your Bestway representative today.